Wednesday, 21 May 2008

Burial at Thebes

We had a flyer of interest recently: the Farringdon Society of Arts production of Burial at Thebes, the Nobel laureate Seamus Heaney's adaptation of Sophocles' tragedy Antigone. Phil Symes' tabloid-style programme is great fun.

Taking place in Farringdon churchyard, the production has some auspicious literary connections: the good wishes of Heaney himself, and attendance from 30 members of the Yeats Society in Sligo, an exchange visit organised by Janet Sawyer around WB Yeats' Devon connections (his brother Jack Butler Yeats was an artist who lived and worked in Devon - see Societies from across the sea meet to forge fresh Yeats links, Exeter Express & Echo, 19 May 2008).

I'm not sure if there's still time to catch the play, whose run ends on 24th May, but it looks worth checking out if you live in the Exeter area. There are some pictures of the cast and location at Gary Mackley-Smith's Flickr page, Topshaman's Photostream.

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